August 2, 2023

There once was a Sensei who was instructing a new student. The student was extremely skillful and passed every test given by the master. The Sensei knew the student’s true fear and greatest fault, however. So the sensei gave the student a simple task.

“Fill this bucket with water,” he said as he placed the bucket on the ground near a pond. Find me when it’s done, he said walking away.”

“This will be easy,” thought the student as he picked up the bucket.

Upon looking more closely he realized what the challenge was. There was no bottom to the bucket. It had been cut out.

The student thought for some time and then, with sudden inspiration gathered mud and started a fire. He created a kind of mortar which he used to create a base for the bucket. He spent all day working at it until he had completed it.

He then filled the bucket with water from the pond and brought it to his sensei.

The sensei looked at the bucket and smiled. “Very impressive,” he said with a twinkle in his eye.

Then, too quick for the eye to perceive, the sensei struck the bucket with his staff. The mortar fell from the base of the bucket and the water chased after it, spilling on the ground.

“Come find me when it is done,” the sensei said once again as he walked away.

The student, rather angry now, walked back to where he started. After some time he had a new idea. He gathered sticks and some leftover mud he had from his mortar and created a new wooden bottom for the bucket. He then filled it with water and took it to the Sensei.

The Sensei looked at it and smiled once again. The student was clearly very proud for he wore a boastful smile on his face. The sensei said, “Very impressive, come back tomorrow for your challenge.” The student left with his chest up high.
The next day the student was stunned to find the bucket empty.

“What did you do with the water!” he shouted.

“I did nothing, replied the sensei. Look at the ground.”

The student looked at the ground and noticed it was all wet and then he inspected the bottom of the bucket. It had leaked. Little by little, drop by drop, it had leaked out.

“Come find me when it is done,” the sensei said walking away.

The student could feel his anger boiling up inside him. He had had it with this pointless challenge. He took the bucket and threw it into the pond and left.

The next day he did not return.

The sensei was meditating outside when another teacher who had been watching the whole thing asked where his student was.

The sensei said, “He had to leave for he was unable to deal with his own failure. He let his emotions get to him and left, not knowing that he had actually completed the challenge.”

He had completed the challenge? How?” asked the other teacher.

“The bucket is full of water.” replied the sensei

“But where is the bucket?” asked the other teacher.

“Where he threw it.” said the sensei. at the bottom of the pond.”

The Moral of the Story

A thought-provoking, intriguing story but what does it really mean?

In all honesty, I have no idea.

If you have any ideas as to what the meaning of this story is please tell me immediately.